2023/24 Sponsorships and Contributions Grants

This is a preview of the 2023/24 Sponsorship and Contributions Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Sponsorships and Contributions

About the grant

Sponsorship or a Contribution is a commercial arrangement in which the Council contributes financial support for a group or organisation in return for acknowledgment and/or promotional opportunities.

Council is committed to sponsoring and contributing to initiatives that enable community groups and organisations to: 

- Enhance the health and wellbeing of the community. 

- Encourage community participation.

- Encourage participation in education.

- Bring economic benefit to the Northern Grampians shire.

- Enable quality tourism opportunities.

- Support positive environmental outcomes. 

Please allow one to hours to complete your application. You may also need some extra time to collect supporting documentation and information.

If at any stage you come across a question you cannot answer, please use the save button at the bottom of this form to save your application so you can return when you have the appropriate information.

We wish you all the best with your submission.